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Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Your order

Product Total
不銹鋼圓形筲箕 直徑28厘米 × 1 HK$140.00
竹柄炸篩炸篩直徑11吋x柄長20吋 × 1 HK$144.00
CGS 皇冠牌 CB991 卡式爐 × 1 HK$410.00
砧板 直徑16吋x厚4吋 × 1 HK$413.00
Marca-24CM蒸隔 × 1 HK$438.00
Cart Subtotal HK$1,545.00

Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address.

Order Total HK$1,545.00

  • 皇冠爐具(集團)有限公司
    Crown Gas Stoves (Holdings) Company Limited
    Hang Seng Bank: 395-413222-001
    Bank of China: 012-616-00070532